Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Addiction

I am currently on episode 9 TODAY of this show....

I seriously can't stop watching. I have been trying to watch on all of the sketchy websites that have terrible quality to get through to catch up to the episodes on ABC. I feel like I am a part of the show myself because I have been watching since like noon today and its 8 pm! 

Hopefully I will get rid of this nasty sinus infection by the end of the weekend!

Do you watch Revenge? What do you think?

Ta ta,

212 W. Washington Monticello, IL 217-7


p.V.e said...

I saw my first episode this week when my mom was watching! I am definitely going to have to start from episode 1 and catch up!! It's so good!

Claire said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE REVENGE. Don't even get me started on how much I love that show! I am already planning on buying it on DVD when the season ends!

Raquel said...

Ummm i'm OBSESSED with this show! Actually, obsessed doesn't even begin to describe it!